We were the first group to give our business plan presentation. It went remarkably well and I'm glad everyone's hard work came together in the end.
We decided to present our ideas in the form of a powerpoint presentation along with a demonstration of our website. Due to many (not all) of us having a sligh
t phobia of public speaking we recorded most of our presentation, with Andy very bravely explaining the figures side of things on the day and Fiona talking through the website.
During the presentation we thought it would be nice to produce incentives for people to ask us questions. We set up an egg decorating table where those of us not speaking or operating laptops could decorate eggs. This was a little self-indulgent as we enjoy doing things like this! We also gave away chocolate Mini Eggs to anyone that asked us a question. Free chocolate always seems to go down well.
As we had chosen to present first we had no idea what to expect from the other groups so after presenting ours we sat back and enjoyed the others. I found it really impress
ive that a load of art/design students could pretty much single handedly come up with perfectly plausible business plans considering our complete lack of prior knowledge.
We now just have to submit a portfolio of all the work/research we completed to do with the business plan. I'm not going to lie, I'm really glad this is all nearly over but I'm also really going to miss my wee Design Studies group, I think we worked really well together and I feel really lucky to have been in a group with them.